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General Properties

Here are some general properties that can be set to configure the behaviour of pipelines using this shared library.


If true, a dry run of the pipeline will be performed with every task being skipped

Default: false


Sometimes builds fail because of network or file system glitches, but will complete on rebuild. Use this to set a maximum number of retries before giving up.

Default: 1


Maximum amount of time in minutes a build can take before it will be forcefully terminated. If default pipeline is not used then this has to be applied around the pipeline definition manually.

Default: 360


Default path to look for an external configuration that overrides the default one.


Default values to used to use for non specified configurations on job items. Example:

  scmBranch: master
  buildFramework: MAVEN
  directives: clean install
  testable: true


This is the Jenkins credentials ID that is used for interacting with git.


Jenkins tool ID for Java’s JDK.